Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Microsoft Word format shows paragraph symbol. ANNOYING?

For some odd reason, just starting school, my account and teachers account, when you get on microsoft word you start typing and entering for space you get the paragraph button. And when you space you get a period like dot in the middle that indicates you've spaced.


Microsoft Word format shows paragraph symbol. ANNOYING?norton internet security 2008

Those paragraph marks are your friends. They show exactly where each paragraph ends. Since all paragraph formatting (tabs, indents, margins, line spacing, before and after paragraph spacing, ...) is attached to them, accidentally deleting one can cause mysterious reformatting. I've found it's nice to know where they are.

Now, the other characters that may also appear aren't as useful and can be safely turned off. Here's how (with Word XP (2002) and the adjacent versions):

1.Click the Tools-%26gt;Options menu item.

2.Click the View tab.

3.Under Formatting Marks, select ONLY Paragraph Marks and deselect all others.

4.Click OK.

That's it.

Microsoft Word format shows paragraph symbol. ANNOYING?spyware removal

Look on the toolbar - there's a paragraph symbol - click on it to turn the paragraph marks in the document on and off.
try ctrl * itll take it right off
Horse Listener, in Word's toolbar, there's a symbol that looks something like a backwards capital P, only with two uprights and the loop of the P filled in. This is the icon for showing codes. If you click on it, the spaces and enters will no longer show.

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